Updated ABE Portal Will Not Require Email for Applications
Over the weekend, the State of Illinois launched multi-factor authentication for the Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE) portal. Although ABE users must create an ILogin account to take full advantage of the portal’s various functions, the state has made it possible for individuals to submit benefits applications without having an active email address.
The State of Illinois had previously announced plans to add an identity verification tool known as ILogin to the ABE portal. This addition was designed to comply with federal regulations mandating newer multifactor authentication tools that verify users’ identities before allowing access to a website. Each time an ILogin account holder logs into ABE, ILogin will send a code via email, phone or an authenticator app. The user then enters the code to gain access to the website.
Earlier state agency communications had indicated that all ABE users would be required to create an ILogin account using a unique email address (see our initial Avisery Alert). Advocates and community members had raised concerns about the impact this change would have on individuals who could not access email. As seen in the screenshot below, however, ABE is now providing an option for users to submit applications without creating an ILogin account (indicated by the red arrow).
Using ILogin is Strongly Recommended
All other features of ABE beyond application submissions will continue to require an ILogin account; most notably including access to Manage My Case. The State of Illinois highly recommends creating an ILogin account so individuals applying for Medicaid, SNAP, and cash benefits can:
Apply for more benefits or renew benefits
Update contact or household information
Sign up for electronic notification
File and manage appeals
Review notices
Available resources to help your clients navigate the changes include a customer FAQ and instructions for creating an ILogin account with detailed screenshots. As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Avisery at avisery@ageoptions.org or call (708) 628-3440.
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We would truly love your participation in our Annual Feedback Survey! This survey helps us understand the needs of our professional audience and of the organizations where they work.
This anonymous survey will take about 6-8 minutes to complete and is comprised mostly of multiple- choice questions. If you complete the survey by September 30th and provide us with your contact information, your name will be entered in a drawing to win one of two $25 gift cards!
It is very important to us to hear your thoughts! Your feedback helps shape the work that we do and offers us an opportunity to grow as a team, as a program and to grow our impact. Thank you for being a part of our Avisery community!
Avisery by AgeOptions provides tools and support to professionals serving older adults and people with disabilities, enabling them to help their clients access healthcare coverage that allows them to thrive as they age.
AgeOptions, 1048 Lake Street, Suite 300, Oak Park,IL,60301,United States,(800) 699-9043