What Happens When a Transition Supply is Filled
Once a Part D plan provides a transition supply, the plan is required to notify the individual in writing within three business days explaining that the drug in question is not on the plan’s formulary (or has drug restrictions) and that the supply was temporary. The temporary transition fill is intended to provide the member with enough time to either request a formulary exception from their plan or find a substitute drug that is on the plan’s formulary.
A plan can charge no more for a transition fill than the same cost sharing amount that the plan would apply if a drug was approved through the formulary exception process (a cost sharing amount from one of the plan’s approved drug tiers). Beneficiaries eligible for the Extra Help program (also referred to as the Low-Income Subsidy or LIS) can be charged no more than the maximum Extra Help co-pay amount the beneficiary qualifies for.
To learn more about the Medicare Part D Transition Supply policy, visit:
National Council on Aging, Medicare Part D Transition Supply Policy: https://www.ncoa.org/article/medicare-part-d-transition-policy
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Manual, Chapter 6: https://www.cms.gov/medicare/prescription-drug-coverage/prescriptiondrugcovcontra/downloads/part-d-benefits-manual-chapter-6.pdf (section 30.4)
CMS Information for Part D Sponsors on Requirement for a Transition Process: https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Prescription-Drug-Coverage/PrescriptionDrugCovContra/Downloads/TransitionProcess_031605.pdf
If you have any questions or need help counseling older adults and adults with disabilities on Medicare, Medicaid, or other health benefits programs, please reach out to Avisery at avisery@ageoptions.org or 708-628-3440.