Avisery has recently learned about changes in the status of two Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) Family and Community Resource Centers (FCRC).
The Northern FCR formerly located at 8001 Lincoln Ave, Skokie, IL 60077 closed on December 2, 2024. On December 9, 2024, the newly named Lincolnwood FCRC was opened at 7301 N Lincoln Ave, Suite 220, Lincolnwood, IL 60712.
The Englewood FCRC located at 5323 S Western Ave Chicago, IL 60609 is once again open for in-person appointments.
Read further for additional details on cases formerly housed at the Northern FCRC and for a reminder of DHS' No Wrong Door Policy.
More Information on Northern Office Closing
Below is the full contact information for the new Lincolnwood FCRC. Please help communicate this change to beneficiaries and other professionals in the field:
Lincolnwood Family Community Resource Center
7301 N Lincoln Ave, Suite 220
Lincolnwood, IL 60012
Phone: 224-544-2601
TTY: 866-321-8261
Fax: 224-544-2764
All beneficiaries who had open cases at the Northern Office should have recently received this notice via paper mail. Professionals should be aware that the old phone number to the Skokie Northern office has been disconnected; beneficiaries must use either the IDHS helpline at 1-800-843-6154 or the above phone number going forward. Beneficiaries who faxed or mailed correspondence to the old address after 12/2/24 should follow up with the Lincolnwood FCRC to confirm receipt and consider sending additional copies. Avisery recommends that any mailed correspondence get sent by certified mail.
Reminder: DHS's No Wrong Door Policy
Beginning in 2011, the state of Illinois instituted a "No Wrong Door" policy for applicants for state-funded Medicaid, SNAP, and cash assistance programs. This policy allows people to file applications at any FCRC office in Illinois. Individuals are not required to go to their local office and can change office locations any time through their Manage My Case.
If you have any questions or need help counseling older adults and adults with disabilities on Medicare, Medicaid, or other health benefits programs, please reach out to Avisery at avisery@ageoptions.org or 708-628-3440.
Avisery by AgeOptions provides tools and support to professionals serving older adults and people with disabilities, enabling them to help their clients access healthcare coverage that allows them to thrive as they age. Contact us at avisery@ageoptions.org or 708-628-3440.
AgeOptions, 1048 Lake Street, Suite 300, Oak Park,IL,60301,United States,(800) 699-9043